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F8 Lab Scanner - Usage

Learn about key features and functions of the scanner, including tools and example workflows.


In this section, we will highlight the key features and functions of the F8 lab scanner. We will also demonstrate some of the workflows and the tools which enable them. 

F8 Lab Scanner overview

In this video, we will highlight the major components and features of the F8 Lab Scanner.

Compatibility with other scanner tools

Here we will highlight what tools can be used with the F8 Lab Scanner and how to work with those tools correctly.

Dual model scanning and articulator plate

Here we will show the workflow for scanning two models and die-in-arch along with the using the articulator plate to scan the bite.

Vertical impression fixture and die-in-one scanning

In this video we will show how to use the vertical impression tray holder along with a triple tray Impression and using the passive multi-die fixture to scan a single die.

Scanning unmounted gypsum models utilizing various tools

In this video we will look at how to scan two unmounted gypsum models using a variety of tools to obtain the desired scans.

Learn more with instructor-led training courses

*These materials are for training purposes only. For full information on correct usage please consult the official Safety and Set up Guide and the most current Manual. Please contact your reseller for availability of 3Shape products in your country.

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