3Shape Unite - Introduction and overview
3Shape Unite training: what is it, how to upgrade from Dental Desktop to Unite and how to create orders.
Order creation
Before you start scanning you must create a patient, choose the type of treatment the patient needs and also the lab you will be working with.
Key Routines
Order progress and communication
The scan strategy is key to getting an optimal scan. Take your time to learn the right scan strategy and you will be confidently scanning for treatments in no time. Make sure to practice on yourself and colleagues as often as possible, because practice makes perfect.
Key routines
More on scanning
Adding information to your scans
Further learning
In this webinar you will learn about the safe and efficient treatment possibilities that come with same-day dentistry. Learnings include: an introduction to chairside solutions, hygiene and safety aspects and costs and accuracy.
Learn about how to prepare your clinic and staff to start taking digital impressions. You will be guided through all the necessary technical steps and have all your questions answered regarding how to best make yourself and your team scanning experts for the digital road ahead.
Learn how to master scanning techniques with TRIOS 4, to navigate such complexities as tooth crowding, tilted teeth, large gaps and moving tissue.
3Shape Unite Store
After you have scanned the patient, now it is time to send the case including scans and the created order to the lab. It is also possible to send just the scans to the patient as well.
Key routines
More options
Further learning
During this webinar you will learn about the potential when sending your scans to a digital laboratory, how to collaborate with the lab and colleagues with 3Shape Communicate and how to send crowns, bridges and orthodontics to service providers.
3Shape Unite upgrade
To ensure safety, long-time usage and continuous good scanning quality, please follow the maintenance procedures relevant for your model of TRIOS.
Continue Training
3Shape Unite Fundamentals
Set up and administration
Orthodontic treatments
Removable treatments
Implant treatments
Patient excitement
Various appliances
Learn more with instructor-led training courses
EXPLORE MORELearn more with instructor-led training courses
*These materials are for training purposes only. For full information on correct usage please consult the official Safety and Set up Guide and the most current Manual. Please contact your reseller for availability of 3Shape products in your country.
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